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  • Co-occurring substance use and mood disorders group

    This group provides assistance to individuals dealing with mood or anxiety disorders as well as substance use issues. Participants learn about the relationship between their emotional experiences and use of mind-altering substances and gain skills to improve emotional well-being and replace substance use with more effective coping mechanisms.

  • Cultivating peace in the home

    This workshop teaches families with children and teens skills and concepts to cultivate more peace in the home. Topics include escalation prevention, self-regulation, communication skills, and role modeling.

  • Diabetes Self-Management Journey

    Community Hospital offers four diabetes classes that help you understand diabetes, nutrition, and staying healthy with diabetes. This program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association and includes group and individual classes that are offered virtually or in person.

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Group

    This group helps individuals learn new skills to manage intense emotions, improve relationships, and create a more fulfilling life.

  • Emotional Wellness After 60 Group

    Join us for a supportive group discussion covering topics related to personal growth and well-being, including aging, caregiving and the parent-child relationship, self-identity and life purpose, independence versus interdependence, and more.

  • Giving birth at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula

    Before delivering a baby at Community Hospital’s Family Birth Center, join this virtual meeting with a Family Birth Center nurse for a conversation about what to expect.

  • Gluten: Friend or foe?

    Learn important facts about gluten from a registered dietitian. We’ll review the definition of gluten, what foods contain it, and whether a gluten-free or gluten-containing diet is right for you.

  • Grief Support Group - Online

    Taking part in a supportive group is a healthy step in caring for yourself after the loss of a loved one. The online grief support group through Hospice of the Central Coast offers grief education and community in a safe and confidential environment.

  • Grief Support Group Drop-in

    This in-person group provides support to those who have had a recent loss, connections with others also experiencing loss, and other resources available from Hospice of the Central Coast.

  • Habits that build mental fitness

    Harness the power to positively shape your mental health by learning simple habits of the body, mind, and heart. These habits help youth and adults develop and sustain lifelong mental fitness.

Page of 5, showing items 11-20 of 45.
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